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Alvarado Gardens Neighborhood

AGNA Membership

Alvarado Gardens Neighborhood Association membership is open to anyone residing within the boundaries of the neighborhood, as well as any person or legal entity with property within the neighborhood boundary

A copy of the neighborhood boundary is available on the City of Albuquerque website.

Benefits of Membership

As a member of the Neighborhood Association, you can:

  • Vote on elections at the Annual Association meeting, as well as issues brought to the neighborhood for a vote by the AGNA Board
  • Join the neighborhood Listserv

Voluntary Donations

There are no mandatory fees for membership in the Alvarado Gardens Neighborhood Association.

If you would like to make a voluntary annual donation of $10 to the AGNA Board, the money helps cover the cost of the annual Neighborhood Association meetings, fall block parties, and maintenance of the AGNA website.

Your voluntary donation can now be made from home using the link below. Alternatively, you can fill out the AGNA Donation Form and mail it to the address provided on the form. You can include a check made payable to AGNA or pay by credit card at a future in-person annual meetings.


If you have questions about membership, would like to join the AGNA Board, or are interested in volunteer opportunities, contact the Board.