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Alvarado Gardens Neighborhood

Alvarado Gardens Neighborhood Group Email

Join the neighborhood's email group to get emails from the board and your neighbors.

The AGNA email group (an electronic mailing list called a listserv) sends emails to subscribers. The AGNA email group was created to provide a space for neighbors to discuss issues that matter to them in a way that is constructive, civil, and builds community.

The Alvarado Gardens Neighborhood Association maintains this group for the private non-commercial communications between the neighborhood association and its members. If you have any questions concerning these limitations, contact the Board.

Join the Email Group

You can join the AGNA Google Group to receive emails, share announcements, and respond to comments from your neighbors. To join, read the Email Code of Conduct and then send us an email ( letting us know that you'd like to be added to the email group.

How to Use the Email Group

Once you subscribe, you will receive emails from your neighbors and from the board about news and events in the neighborhood.

Before sending anything to the group, please review the etiquette guidelines on this page and the code of conduct.

Sending an Email to Your Neighbors

To post an announcement or question, email your message to The system will automatically send an email to your neighbors with your message.

Updating Your Settings

If you subscribed using a Google account, you can update your membership settings (e.g., change your display name, adjust email delivery frequency, select a different display language) by logging into our AGNA Google Group page.

If you subscribed using a non-Google email account, contact us at to update your settings.

Get Help

If you have any questions, email our tech folks at

Email Etiquette

  • Be courteous and respectful — we’re all neighbors here.
  • Humor is wonderful, but be mindful that it can be misunderstood.
  • Make your communications positive and constructive. The discussions are meant to stimulate conversation not create arguments.
  • Send messages such as "thanks for the information" or "me, too" to individuals — not the entire list.
  • Do not post commercial promotions, news, or events.
  • Keep political comments off this list.
  • Do not type all in capitals. It is harder to read and is considered shouting.
  • Last and most important, learn, share, and have fun. Everyone has something valuable to contribute and we welcome your participation.

Read the full Code of Conduct.